The Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Campaign is a fundraising effort that occurs each year during the Christmas season. Kettles across Canada are an opportunity to donate funds to support the work of The Salvation Army during the Christmas season and throughout the year. 


For more information, please contact our office at 204-889-9203.


Daniel Crump / Winnipeg Free Press.  December 18, 2019.

Welcome to our Online Booking Calendar. Please take your time, and only book shifts you are willing to commit to.

  1. Select your location
  2. Select the date your interested in
  3. Select an open time slot (Shifts are 2hrs)
  4. Fill in your contact information and submit


Once submitted, you will receive an email confirmation with the shift details.
If, for any reason, you cannot commit to your shift, we would encourage you to find a replacement. If that isn’t possible, please call our office ASAP so we can get someone else to cover that shift.

Please ensure you record your shift date and time so you can arrive on time.
Note: Only time slots available to fill are able to be selected.

If you request a text reminder, please ensure the phone number provided can receive Text Messages.

Disclaimer:  Please be patient in waiting for your relief. If there is nobody scheduled after you, please wait for our staff to relieve you. If nobody has arrived within a reasonable time, please contact our Kettle Coordinator. Please DO NOT leave the kettle unattended for any reason. Please plan accordingly.

Our Online Booking Calendar is now closed.
Thank you for supporting our 2022 Christmas Kettle Campaign!